Group sessions: Family Members of Addicts and Alcoholics
Do you love someone who has a problem with addiction? I have a very serious question for you: How much of yourself have you lost in your efforts to rescue them? My groups do not advocate ending or continuing relationships--that is your choice. My groups do, however, seek to support you regaining YOUR life. I wish sleep, comfort, and peace of mind for you again in this life, regardless of the state of your loved one's sobriety. If you would like more information about this group, please contact Victoria.
Group sessions: Body image, Food, Exercise, & Mood
Perhaps you feel out of control when you eat. Perhaps your exercise and diet regiment intrude on your day to day life, maybe even to the extent it concerns loved ones. Perhaps you've had a surgical procedure to your digestive system, and life and your relationship to food has changed. Perhaps you are so self-conscious of your appearance that it inhibits your day to day functioning. Many relationships with food and body can occur that add strain to our ability to live fully, joyously, and free. If you'd like more information about joining a therapy group related to your relationship with food, please contact Victoria for more information.
Group Sessions: Support for LGBTQQI
I am a LIFELONG straight ally for the LGBTQQI community. I was raised in a purposely gender-neutral atmosphere, and I proudly share the stigma of LGBTQQI association in a lifetime of interpersonal and professional advocacy. As best as I can, I GET IT. My groups offer suppor ranging from supporting the process of coming out, transition, the struggle to remain closeted, the struggles from prejudice of living openly, surviving trauma, and the struggles to rise above self-hatred into self-love and acceptance, and--dare we think of it--forgiveness. If you would like more information about this group, please contact Victoria.